a tale of tails, tenacity, and tedium, as told by me, usually barefoot and bellowing

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Traveling To Stone County

to buy a new bush hog.  Ours was non repairable.  I hope this one lasts a while.  I got to see speeding views but Hubby did stop at the over look on Hwy 58.
I love the rolling hills that hold secrets we may never know.  Crossing the great White River from Izard County into Stone County.  You can see why this place was not easy to settle and had pockets of people who kept to their community and to themselves.
Roads crooked and steep kept these areas isolated well into the '30's.
I am old enough to remember traveling the gravel roads. 
I was born in '54 and some of these roads were not paved then.
Stone County and the St James community became famous worldwide in 1929 when a romance between a young lady, Teller Ruminer, and a "hobo" Connie Franklin supposedly ended in gruesome murder. Depending on which side you talk to the "truth" is different but always interesting.

The book I am now reading is entertaining because I know a lot of these folks and the communities the book covers.  Ghost of The Ozarks:  Murder and Memory in the Upland South by Brooks Blevins.  A true life tale of murder? and mystery among the hilly communities in Stone county.
An old building on the court square.
Dry Creek mentioned in the book was not dry today.
Funny how we look at things differently when we know the history.
We flew home again pulling a bush hog
with one happy Hubby.


Ornery Owl of Naughty Netherworld Press and Readers Roost said...

Ye gods, I've been out of the country for too long. Here I was wondering what kind of an animal a bush hog was!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

love the last line.. we FLEW home.. lol lol
i like that building in the next to last and the view from the bridge at the non dry creek full of stones, which is why it is called stone county i am sure.
how far are you from Lowell, AK, I loved it there, the Ozarks are so beautiful.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Looks like it was a nice day for a drive!
Couldn't get to your blog yesterday. Said it no longer existed. Glad the issue fixed itself.

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

I haven't read that one, will have to check it out. - My husband's father lived in Stone Co until he passed in '04- it really is a beautiful area. Calico Rock is a cool little place, I remember. I bought my backward clock there.

Primitive Stars said...

Beautiful scenery Gail, all I see here is white snow banks....Thanks for brightening up my day, Francine.

LilliStJohn said...

Hi Gail - This was a great post. I love the photos you took along the way and mentioning all athe names of various rivers, creek beds, hills and county's led me to jump over to bing maps and also check out the area - all the way down highway 58. "The Secrets The Hills Hide", sounds like a great book you could write - ever think about that - I saw a movie not long ago, called "Winters Bone" - we watched it on netflix. It was adapted from the novel by Daniel Woodrell - he has written 8 novels and I think most of the settings are in the Ozarks. Winter's Bone was a chilling movie - you might have already read this one.
I had a little giggle with The Real Cie's comment - made me giggle right out loud. Hi to Marcy N Family

the canned quilter said...

Beautiful country indeed.

StitchinByTheLake said...

Very interesting! Let us know what you think about that book. blessings, marlene

21 Wits said...

Wow, now that's what I call lovely countryside, hubby and I took a road trip yesterday to a little town along the water, but our roads were dry but everything else was frozen with snow and ice fields galore! We did find a bit of open water in a place the eagles like to hang out, so there was that brief spell of is spring on it's way?!

TexWisGirl said...

yay for new farm equipment! long may it last!

OmaLindasOldeBaggsandStuftShirts said...

No matter what the genre the toy, men are always happier when they have them. Sorry the old bush hog needed to be replaced but happy for your hubby having a new "something" to be pleased about.
You really should write about your area....like write write. I betcha because of your engaging style that you could sell some of your stories. Hmmmmmm. Oma Linda

Josie Two Shoes said...

I can see where a bush hog would be an essential piece on your farm. Sure loved taking this road trip with you, such a beautiful place, and so much history. Ours is a bit shorter in these parts:-) The book sounds awesome, I love ghost tales!

Arkansas Patti said...

That is my neighborhood so I will check out the book. Thanks.

Maude Lynn said...

Beautiful pictures! That book sounds like a great read.

jp@A Green Ridge said...

There's nothing like a new toy that has an engine!...:)JP

Pat said...

I, too, thought a bush hog was some type of animal till I read another's comments about new farm equipment. Oh. Silly me.

Nice photos, though! ;)

Sandy Livesay said...


Now that was a beautiful ride into Stone county. I love the picture of the look out off of Hwy 58.

Glad to hear you found a new bush hog.

Lynne said...

Great photos . . . but wat is a Bush Hog?

Far Side of Fifty said...

I am sure you will use that brush hog! Your surrounding area is pretty..and yes I can see how people would find a spot and settle down:)

Susan Anderson said...

The history is so rich around you, both in the community and surroundings and on the farm.

I envy that.


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