a tale of tails, tenacity, and tedium, as told by me, usually barefoot and bellowing

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

It's Wal Mart Time!

Flying with husband is always such a treat.  The sunset was beautiful reflecting on the hood of his truck as he flew down the highway.
I mentioned that SOME husbands took their wives for a drive for the purpose of taking pictures.  He said, "...but you have to drive slow for that."  "Or stop," I said.
The sky was ever changing and a beauty to behold.  Hubby says, "You're taking that through the tint."  I said, "Don't have much choice."
"Oh, look!" I said.  He answered "Hmmm".   There was no slowing for the sun set as it changed in every turn.  That's the beauty of digital even when the photo ops are bad you don't waste film.


Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

I think you got some great shots even while flying down the road!

Primitive Stars said...

Beautiful pictures while flying to Wal-Mart, :) Francine.

LilliStJohn said...

Yep, done a few of those riding/flying photos - sometimes window is rolled and I'm flashing by - sometimes those end up the best shots. I like those reflections. Its trying awful hard to snow but is more like between rain n snow - makes for sloppy driving.

Buttons Thoughts said...

Flying to Walmart has never looked so good:) B

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i can't do this because i refuse to ride with hubby driving, if we are in the truck together i am behind the wheel. he thinks his last name is Earnhardt.... that said, the photos are really good for flying along the road.. beautiful in fact

Lynne said...

Great pictures while "in flight.". Love the hood reflections . . .

No way can I do that with my pilot . . . doubt there will ever be a "driving like an old man" in his makeup . . .

Josie Two Shoes said...

You managed to capture some lovely moments of the sunset sky from the "wings of the plane". I am so thankful that my hubby loves photography. All I have to say is "take a picture please", and he is happy to pull over and accomodate. Anything to forestall the dreaded required trip to Wally-hell to stock up on supplies (and why do I always put it off until Sunday? ugh!)

Josie Two Shoes said...

I was just thinking how fun it might be to have a "show us your sunset" event one day, where everyone had like a week to capture a shot of sunset at their place, or their favorite place, and then share them. :-)

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

I'm usually driving and the hubs just nods when I say- oh look- a cool barn, or oh look, what a beautiful sunset! Sometimes, he actually stops playing with his phone long enough to look.

TexWisGirl said...

still beautiful. no complaints here!

Farm Girl said...

You still got great shots. It was a really beautiful sunset.

Deb said...

Great shots have done that too

Country Gal said...

I to think you got good photos even though hubby was motoring lol ! Papa here like's to take photos to so I am lucky that way lol ! Have a good day !

the canned quilter said...

LOL! My father drove like that wherever he went. I have a whole shoe box full of old movies(reel to reel) of family vacations when I was a kid. They consist of my mother sitting in the front seat mostly and the scenery flying by out the window. If you watch it for too long it makes you nauseated.

Susan Anderson said...

I love that you went "flying" with the hubby. And you got some great pics, too!

Lovely stuff.


Manzanita said...

Great driving shots of a sky. I won't comment on what I see. Hope you got something good at Walmart.

Manzanita said...

I did it again.... I'm always in such a rush, I forget to push publish.
Good shots from driving.
I won't comment.
Hope you got something good at Walmart.

Manzanita said...

Now they both printed..... I give up. See ya later

Michaele said...

You make a trip to Walmart look fun. I have a love-hate relationship with the store. I am loving the shiny truck hood : )

Susan Kane said...

My dad always drove slowly, so he could look at the fields by the road. I think I prefer the quicker drive, although your photos are awesome.

Willow said...

Funny men are aren't they lol and still we manage to get in our photo ops ...great job!

Nezzy (Cow Patty Surprise) said...

You copilots fly beautifully together. Ya got some mighty great shots there Miss Gail.

When I'm faced with speed, I snap loads of quick shots and pray I captured at least one good one. Looks like you hit the jackpot!

Thanks for sharin'.

God bless and have a great evenin' girlfriend! :o)

DesertHen said...

You snapped some good ones while on that flight! Beautiful sky!

Anonymous said...

I feel your pain.
All of my trucking road trip pictures are taken from my seat in Bill's 18-wheeler. It is hard to take pictures going 60 MPH, with numerous mirrors blocking views! *sigh*

Brian Miller said...

haha at least you dont waste film...smiles...my shots int he car never work out....not that great at least....

LindaG said...

Great photos all, Gail. Beautiful sunset. :-)

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