a tale of tails, tenacity, and tedium, as told by me, usually barefoot and bellowing

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Seeking Spirit...

I’ve regressed to past lives
Been Reiki healed
Had my Chakras centered
Read my Shustah cards
Advised by a Shaman
Created a medicine bag
I got in touch with Mother Earth
Had my spirit cleansed
I meditated
I imagined
Took baths in the salt of the sea
Then I finally realized
My condition is up to me.
If I had heard Kellerman
This would have passed
"Life is like a prism.
What you see depends
On how you turn the glass."

Hooking up to Poetry Jam.  Join the fun.


Empty Nester said...

Amen, Sista! But, knowing how true your words are, why is it I keep on doing all that crap? LOL

MadSnapper n Beau said...

well, i have done none of the above, and not sure i agree with Kellerman. i think life is all about the decisions we make and how we treat others, make the wrong decision and suffer the consequences and no matter how the glass is turned they will be there, so the trick is to be very careful the paths we choose, decision we make and how we treat others. i know this because i have been there done that and suffered the problems my choices caused. BUT there are second chances and 3rd and 4th, been there done that to....

Brian Miller said...

oo great wisdom in that last bit...it is often about perspective....all in how we look at things...and we will waste a bunch of life chasing answers we always had...

Josie Two Shoes said...

Beautiful! Perspective is everything, it's all in how you choose to approach life... to work with what comes your way, or to work against it.

Michaele said...

What a wonderful path you have walked.

Anonymous said...

This is a well written, very wise poem. Excellent!

Mary said...

Ha, I truly love this!! What you see indeed depends on how you turn the glass. Lots of wisdom in your poem! Thanks for taking part in Poetry Jam.

Kathi Oram Peterson said...

Your poem makes a person think. And it's so true that what you see depends on how you turn the glass. Thanks for sharing.

jp@A Green Ridge said...

WOW! You have had one heck of a journey!!! Glad you realize what really matters!!...:)JP

Lynne said...

Best yet . . . why is it, we search many avenues to "find our way" "who we are" . . . often times our essence is easier to find then the energy it takes to look . . .

Sarav said...

That is an amazing amount of experiences, wow! I am impressed. You must have a lot of wonderful stories.
I agree, perspective is a big part of what we see. And those things all give us different and new perspectives
Thank you very much for your visit

LindaG said...

That was great, Gail! ♥

LilliStJohn said...

I have heard people say they search for answers, when the answers are staring them right in the face - "Kinda like not seeing the forest for the trees" - our answer is always there and this is very well said in your poem - extremely well done Gail - and oh, so true - depends, on how you turn the glass. :)

alan1704 said...

Great poem and great interpretaion of the prompt, i love the ending with Kellerman. Well Done

Susan Anderson said...

Absolutely love it. One of your best, in my opinion.


Laurie Kolp said...

Then I finally realized
My condition is up to me.

Yes, life is like a prism... enchanting!

Peggy said...

Lovely response to the prism prompt! And it is true I think that we hold our own prisms to turn the best way we can.

Wayne said...

nicely done...thanks for sharing

Susan Lindquist said...

Love this bright, positive, grab it and growl attitude. Life IS what you make it and positive attitude and perspective sure help us along ! A fun write to this prompt!

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