a tale of tails, tenacity, and tedium, as told by me, usually barefoot and bellowing

Friday, March 22, 2013

Turpentine Creek Wild Life Refuge

is an interesting place if you enjoy seeing wild animals in enclosures.  It is a refuge for the lion, tigers, and bears (oh, my!) that idiots owned thoughtlessly as pets.  They discovered the truth that many people already knew...you can NOT make a pet from wild animals.

There are many donations and rescues and surrenders of these elegant beasts that should never have been taken from the wild.  My heart hurt the entire trip through the "habitats" which were double wired enclosures and nothing like natural  habitat in which these were meant to live.

Donations are being made daily to improve the habitats.  It is far better than the conditions from which they came.  They are fed, healthy but beyond that I can not guess.  I was over come with such a sadness that I felt that maybe their death would be more humane than their unnatural existence.  BUT you know I'm weird anyway so for people who want to see these animals,  purchases go for their upkeep.

May you see the beauty beyond the wire.
 On the bright side the tour was educational and informative.  
The boys thought the guide was cute.


Sandy Livesay said...

If the animals are placed in a refuge, it should be large enough for the animals to run freely. Not placed in cages, this is no refuge. Granted the animals maybe well taken care of but they need to feel as if their free to roam.

Love the pictures.

Of course the guys would like the guide, she's a cutie.

LilliStJohn said...

I could not go here - my heart would break - I think no animal should be caged and some of those cages gave me a sick feeling. Animals look healthy, but bored and unhappy they probably are - if people want to rescue them, give them space to roam largely or send then on a flight back to their jungles. On the bright side, the boys look happy with that cute guide.

Buttons Thoughts said...

I cannot believe people still try to keep wild animals.
Love the last line boys will always be boys:) B

Primitive Stars said...

My heart hurts, so so sad for these beautiful creatures.....why oh why are people so cruel, Francine.

Lynne said...

Made me feel very sad too . . . I get that way going to a doggie/cat rescue too . . . I think it is that "wanting to help" instinct that goes off in me. (I don't think you should bring a Tiger home though Gail!)

MadSnapper n Beau said...

we have one here to, Big Cat Habitat is the same thing and they rescue big cats and bears and wild animals, i want to cry when i see them in cages like this.

the canned quilter said...

I just don't have the heart to go to places like that. I just want to sit there and cry for them or open the gate. Hugs

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

That is sad. Even enclosures at zoos are better than that.

OmaLindasOldeBaggsandStuftShirts said...

I'd of had a hard time as well. I get that the human beast thinks that we know what's best but.......

TexWisGirl said...

very tough.

Anonymous said...

This breaks my heart.

C-ingspots said...

I couldn't agree with you more Gail...this is heartbreaking for sure. I am not one who needs miles to roam to be happy, and even I would prefer death over being imprisoned. To see such majestic, wild animals in cages is horrendous, I think. That is life with no quality at all. I couldn't go there. Very sad...

Susan Kane said...

A bear lying on concrete? I hate that. You are so timely in this post, esp. with the death by tiger up in N. California.

Far Side of Fifty said...

Doesn't look natural to me..so sad..I hate the cages:(

LindaG said...

I agree with you, Gail. I wish people wouldn't try to keep wild animals as pets. :-(

Brian Miller said...

places like this always make me a bit sad...the excitement to see the animals is there...but then i wonder too at their quality of life...ugh

and a cute guide always helps...smiles.

Carol Henrichs said...

I'm so glad you posted this. I have been curious about this place since we moved here. You helped me re-affirm that I don't want to go there.

I was raised with Brookfield Zoo in Chicago where I spent many a happy summer day. Brookfield is a lovely, well-cared for, maintained zoo. Still, I'm torn between the selfish notion that had it not been for the zoo I would never have seen a lion, tiger, elephant, or giraffe, etc. up close. While I'm grateful for the experience, I once wrote about a zookeeper who said something about how we need to manage all species in order to guarantee their survival. I appreciated her intentions, but the thought of humans 'managing' all species sorta makes me ill. I haven't been to a zoo since that day.

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