a tale of tails, tenacity, and tedium, as told by me, usually barefoot and bellowing

Sunday, January 10, 2016

Islands Of Childhood

The Island of Dr Moreau
The Island of Blue Dolphins
The Island of Okinawa*

Islands of my childhood
Showed me immorality
loyalty, cruelty and peace

As an adult the Islands stayed
Leaving me to prefer
The company of animals

*My dad was a World War II veteran and this was one of his many "tours".


Kerry O'Connor said...

I read The Island of the Blue Dolphins when I was about 12. It is a story which stayed with me a long time.

brudberg said...

Islands are so much fantasy than reality of beasts.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

the longer I live and meet humans the more i love my dog. the islands of my youth were found in Tarzan and the City of Gold and Bomba... my islands for escape were books and still are today.

Angie said...

What a sharp end and commentary on humanity.

Sherry Blue Sky said...

Oh, me, too - I much prefer the company of animals.

Maude Lynn said...

Oh, I wish that I had written this!

Empty Nester said...

Amen to that!

Harry Flashman said...

My father in law was a Marine infantry sargeant and fought on Okinawa. During the campaign, he promised God if he got out of there in one piece he would spend the rest of his life doing God's work. After the war he was a missionary in Africa for 29 years. That's why my wife was raised in Nigeria and Niger.

I spent 13 months stationed on Okinawa in 79/80

Linda Kay said...

I have a painting brought back from Okinawa by a co-worker several years ago. Interesting verse....preferring the company of animals.

Truedessa said...

I prefer a fantasy island to the island of reality. This is sharp and witty and yes, animals can be great companions.

Lee said...

It is not difficult to prefer the company and the behaviour of animals. In this crazy world in which we live,I find it very easy to do so. :)

Gillena Cox said...

The island left! thats surprising instead of you leaving the island. Luv scifi movies and this poem is a ready scene

Happy Sunday

much love...

Magaly Guerrero said...

I love that your island is a collection of them...

Outlawyer said...

All great books and I can see that they would lead one to wish to be rooted in a farm! Thanks. k.

Brendan said...

There is a difference in islands where human show their extremity and islands where animals reveal what's exceptional about them -- and I, too, have grown to prefer the latter.

Lynne said...

I like the Island of my furry one . . .
She knows all my stories and loves me anyway . . .

Susan Anderson said...

I remember reading The Island of the Blue Dolphins as a young girl. I liked it.


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