a tale of tails, tenacity, and tedium, as told by me, usually barefoot and bellowing

Friday, January 8, 2016

Talking Turkey


Ela said...

Beautiful birds !!

LindaG said...

I think we should come to your house for Thanksgiving. ;-)
What kind of game cam do you use?
Thank you for sharing!

Sketching with Dogs said...

They are beautiful birds and look so happy wandering around in the field.
Lynne x

Lowcarb team member said...

You are indeed talking turkey and photographing them well!

Many thanks ... and have a good weekend too

All the best Jan

Anonymous said...

Look at all those potential Christmas dinners walking around. Amazing how something so homely can taste so darn good.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

That's a lot of turkeys.

Country Gal said...

Lovely photos . We have them here to but they stick to the deep of the forests and rarely come out lol ! Thanks for sharing , have a good weekend !

Blogoratti said...

Elegant in their ways...lovely photos. Greetings!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

fine looking turkeys, what is the tripod thingy

The Cranky said...

Oh noooo! No, no, no!

Sorry, I've never quite recovered from the trauma of my little red car and I being held by an amorous wild turkey. 'Scuse me whilst I go hide under my bed... ;-)

Lynne said...

Great pictures of the turkeys . . .
We have turkeys all over the place around here . . .
It doesn't matter where I am, I see them. I have seen them often at my daughters/SIL house which is more of a country area than city. I see them walking around here in our neighborhood too. The other day I drove to a friends in the city, in a condo complex area and there must have been fifty or more of them walking around in the driveways and yards
Where and why all the turkeys!?

TexWisGirl said...

so cool!

Martha said...

They look like they're about to break out in a song. And maybe some dancing :)

Henny Penny said...

Those are big turkeys! Poppy sees lots of turkeys when he is deer hunting, but they seem to disappear when turkey season comes in. He hasn't killed a turkey in a couple of years now.

gld said...

Great shots; you have a much better game camera than we do!

Harry Flashman said...

I see a lot of turkeys up here, especially alongside the very rural roads where no one goes. I often wonder how they survive winter here in the wild. If I didn't put out extra corn for my chickens they'd all starve to death. So what can the turkeys be eating?

Far Side of Fifty said...

Nice lookin turkeys:)

DesertHen said...

Beautiful wilds! Nice shots!

LilliStJohn said...

We have a huge population of wild turkeys here but are not allowed to hunt them. It was supposed to open this year, but didn't. Yep, I could easily put one of those fellas in my oven. Have a great day. Rain and freezing rain, mixed with snow here next few days.....darn those high winds. Hgz to M

Lee said...

One such similar turkey scooted past me as I drove into my yard on Friday when I came back home from the supermarket. We have a few scrub/bush turkeys, as we call them, around here.

Sandy Livesay said...

Nice looking turkey's. Have you named each one with a holiday name. I see Thanksgiving, Christmas, and even Easter ready for a freezer :-)

Susan Anderson said...

Cool turkey pics. I remember being so surprised the first time I saw a picture of one as a child. Didn't quite mesh with the turkey my dad always showed us at Thanksgiving!


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