This morning I woke to music. Not in the room, but in my head. I'll take that as a good sign.
Then a thought came I've never heard before, I want to play a fiddle/violin! As much as I admire the fantastic violinists I have heard through the years, I have never had the thought I want to play. Hope this is not one of those God Voices my sister talks about 'cuz then I'll have to learn.
I love the "down under" theme - neat! And uh...good luck with that fiddle thing and the voices ;D.
Thank you Gail, for being my friend.
LOL! Maybe your 'guidance' is in 'listening' to the strings:)-it will be interesting to see where this leads you! Hubby loved the Dear Princess I fear for your safety post:) I love this 'down under' stuff!!! Wonder how nutty my neighbors would think I was if I started taking pictures down under stuff! (I think they already wonder as they drive by and see me taking pictures all the time of seemingly nothing.
I see growth in that grassy stuff under the mailbox!! Spring!!
You should try it out! What fun!
I saw Izaac Perlman play violin when I was 18 and started lessons soon after.You should do it. What have you got to lose ? S
What a nice way to wake up. Give it a try! You've got nothing to lose.
You come up with the most entertaining pictures. . .and thoughts. The fiddle? I say go for it! I'd love to see a video of you playing the fiddle, you never know, it might make you famous one day lol! ;)
I love the fiddle! Learn to play and then post it! Try yoddling too, would ya?
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