a tale of tails, tenacity, and tedium, as told by me, usually barefoot and bellowing

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Paranormal or Just Weird?

Mother had a gift.  It was not something she was thrilled to own.  Mom had a way of seeing...seeing the future, foreseeing an event.  She had no name for it, used it when it helped, ignored it for entertainment.  Most people did not know she had it.  Mom claimed it must have come from her Cherokee side. 

I had hoped I inherited something from her other than her allergies.  I surely did not get her beautiful black hair and dark eyes.  I have the cheekbones.  I have the ability to tan.  I thought that was it, oh, and I have her little toes.  Things have happened through the years that make me rethink this.
I visited Savannah, Georgia, which is and shall remain one of my favorite places.  We visited many places but today is about Fort Pulaski.
Rich with history, this fort was our last stop of the day.  We toured the fort, the moats, the captain's quarters, the top of the fort, and the barrack's.  I was in a wonderful mood, with a good friend and having the time of my life. 

Upon entering the barracks, which had served as a prison (did not know this until later), I became filled with despair, starving, scared, cold, wishing I had never come, wanted to go home, any bad feeling you can have hit me like a sledge hammer. I walked slow and touched the walls and the feelings intensified.  What is this?  What is wrong with me? 

I left the area to go top side of the fort wall.  The feelings left!  Went back through again to be sure and these strange emotions hit again.  I said nothing.  On our way out, we could leave by a circular stairwell.  Belinda started down the stairs, I put one foot in and was so overwhelmed that I had to sit. I said I cannot go this way, meet you in the yard.

Later, when reading a book of Savannah history, I discovered these two places had also affected the author the same way. I was not giving any credit to the paranormal, just to my tiredness and desire to go home.  I thought, wow, this was me!  The stairwell had been the place of a suicide and the barracks had been full of Civil War prisoners.

I did not think of this much, just in passing, like the way you would be in awe of a beautiful sunset.

I thought of it again in Fort Smith when I visited Hell On The Border, the infamous jail.  I sat quietly testing my feelings, strange, I know.  I listened to the reenactment over the speakers and felt nothing.  I touched the floor, again, nothing. I walked around laying my hands on beams and walls and still nothing.  The last wall I touched was sensational.  Feelings of despair and deadly anger washed over me.  What is this?  So I touched everything again and the final wall produced the same results.

I toured the whole ground, felt nothing but was emmersed in the history of the place.  The commissary was next.  I walked in and stood where I imagined the people would stand to receive their supplies.  Emotions hit me again, but this time, they were good, hopeful, happy emotions.

I walked and enjoyed the whole park at Fort Smith.  I talked to the park ranger.  I said the jail does not have the original floor.  He asked how do you know?  I said simply, I felt it.  I said only one wall is original and he said which one, I told him and he said I can't believe you know that, nothing is posted.  The floors had to be replaced with the sidewalk stone from the city and the walls were rebuilt to look old during the renovation, only one wall was from the original jail.  He asks if I had been to the commissary and I said yes, it is all original and he confirmed, that was the only building completely original.

I visited the Brothel in Fort Smith too.  No emotional hits, except when I descended the staircase.  I felt very beautiful as if all eyes were on me and very happy.  When talking to the ladies there, I learned the staircase was from the original brothel.

Paranormal?  Sensitive?  Nutcase?  You decide.

I may have something to thank Mama for besides my Cherokee cheekbones.


Randy said...

Wow, this is very interesting. We all have different gifts, you should enjoy yours. They are very special.

Irene said...

That's a very special gift and you should treasure it, because you know a lot more than us regular people who are not so gifted.

ellen abbott said...

Wow Gail. Emotions are energy. Those places must have absorbed all those intense emotions and you are sensitive enough to pick them up.

sarah secret housewife said...

This is absolutely fascinating, Gail.You will have to let us know of any other 'feelings' you get.S
ps would love to take you skiing!!

Tonia said...

Despite what people think people do have gifts like this. God made us this way.. I have been in places or around people and felt things like this..I thought everyone did this till I was older.. I do keep it to myself though for the most part. People look at you like you have to heads when you talk about it to much..

Sharon Day said...

I have a lot of theories on my ghost hunting theories site, but admittedly as someone who can actually touch objects and places and read the history, one thing I've come to accept is that the location of a site, the construction of the site, and the history combine to make it a holding cell for the past. As some objects are easier to read such as metal and stone, some buildings are easier to read too. Some places like prisons and hospitals and such if built the right way, atop the right geology, and have a long enough history of agony, seem to never lose their emotions. If you've ever been to a site such as Lincoln's memorial, you come to realize that everyone's awe and pride has "infected" the site and left a residual. You consider yourself a fairly proud American but not the misty-eyed type and then you stand there and everyone else's residual feelings invade you and you suddenly feel strangely teary-eyed and you don't understand why. Everyone has the capability of feeling that. That's why I say that our bodies are our best ghost hunting tools--they make subtle changes that, if you're aware of them, can tell you that you're near something. I'm glad you got to have that experience. Now you'll know in the future how it comes on and how it's relieved so you can know if you're in a place with a collective memory.

Lori Skoog said...

You have just got it! There is energy all around us, but not everyone can feel it the way you do. A very interesting post.

Susan said...

I love going to old places and usually feel things, but nothing as clear as what you experienced.

Maria said...

That is very interesting! You will have to let us know more. I don't think you're weird or nuts. I do understand having a gift no one else understands though. Don't let people make you feel bad for it.

Rudee said...

This is an amazing tale. I've felt some feelings like this before. One time was when I was standing on a Revolutionary War battleground, and didn't know it. I was overwhelmed with grief.

I completely believe your story today.

The Farmers Oldest Daughter said...

Very informative. I have been to the places in Ft. Smith and the ranger is correct,there is nothing posted about those sites that they are not original.

Melbourne Girl said...

Great story Gail....and a great gift. It would be lovely to have that connection with the past.

Far Side of Fifty said...

Oh so interesting..do you have any of your Mothers stories written down..No I don't think it is weird or nuts..:)

Lori E said...

We all have it I think but we don't all listen to it. We don't fully feel all our feelings and we push them aside.
Women are especially intuitive.
Many years ago when we were looking to buy our home we went into one nearby with the Realtor. As soon as I walked through the front door I wanted to leave. There was nothing visually wrong with it but there was a bad, bad vibe there. We left quickly.
Years later I was talking with a neighbor and she mentioned they looked at that same house when they were in the market some years after us. Without me saying anything she said she couldn't wait to get out of that house because something was wrong there.
Nurture this instinct, this sense. It is a good thing.

Greener Pastures--A City Girl Goes Country said...

I think we all have a sixth sense--some are more in touch with it than others. It kind of runs in my family. My aunt B-B always read cards and tea leaves. She actually did it as a living. All the ladies would go over to Aunt B-B's house to get their cards read. For me, I feel like I get "messages" in my dreams. Sounds corny.

Achieve1dream said...

Very cool!

Pyatshaw said...

Weird--you must have what is described here in Scotland as "having the sight"!
Great descriptions.

Nezzy (Cow Patty Surprise) said...

I truly believe we all have the inner ability to feel the energies, good and bad, we just don't pause long enough to feel it. Those bad feelings about something that you just know, and then you hear something happened at that exact time.

I was on a trip with Hubby one time delivering working cattle and I told him something was wrong with one of the kids. No specifics there I just knew. Hubby told me I was just hungry and needed to eat! Heeeheeehe. That's a man for ya. Our teenage son had wrecked his car avoiding a head on.

You have a great day Miss Gail!!!
God bless you abundantly.

Vickie said...

Very interesting, Gail. I don't know anything about those things so I'm in no position to judge. There are alot of people who seem to have some sort of gift, and it sounds like you are one of them. I think that's pretty neat!

DesertHen said...

You are blessed with a gift! Some of us out here share that with you...=) I do not talk about mine, but my family knows. There is Cherokee running through me from my mother's side!

Pat said...

Wow - that is REALLY cool and interesting! I totally believe in picking up the feelings and spirits from the past. I really enjoyed reading this post. Tell us more!

Josie Two Shoes said...

This was fascinating, Gail. Most definitely you've been given a sensitivity to what is no longer visible to the naked eye. It would seem as if there are those present who want to communicate with you, want their story to be known. That's a powerful gift!

Lynne said...

Interesting . . . I will write to you in an email . . .

MadSnapper n Beau said...

the only thing i felt on the spiral stairs was fear of falling to my death. i did not like walking down them, but did not feel any other fears. just mine. you must have gotten the Cherokee thing for sure because i spent many happy hours many times there. the thing i hated was the tunnels, they scared me silly... again my fears not left over fears..

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