Tuesday, January 27, 2009
If Wishes Were Horses, Everyone Would Ride
The mail must go through so I will slide to work, salt the sidewalks and hope no one falls. I will be there the entire shift, whether I have one customer or many. Maybe I can catch up on a few things today, hopefully.
My wishes this morning are simple, yet complicated, if I tried to make them come true.
I wish there was no ice and everyone would be safe today.
I wish I was retired so I would not have to go out into this.
I wish my daughter would return my camera so I could take pictures of this beautiful shiny art of nature.
Monday, January 26, 2009
My sister, Marcy, has chickens and supplies us all with eggs. A mixed batch of straight run bantams was a gift a few years ago. It is a gift that keeps on giving. Marcy is unable to butcher chickens any more, thus the large amount of roosters. Every now and then she gives some away.
If a hen wants to set, she allows it.
Friday, January 23, 2009
Speaking of Dreams
My Tale of Magic
My first Arabian was a trade for a miniature. My second large horse, a Haflinger mare, was also a trade.
A Little Fun
How cool is that?
After you've finished reading the info, click again, and see what the moon looked like the night you were born. This is neat.
Who says our clocks aren't ticking?
Click on birthday calculator..... Birthday Calculator
Thursday, January 22, 2009
My Interview with Lisa

1)Talk about your proudest moment.
I cannot define my life with one proud moment there are so many. I was proud when Den thought I was special enough to want to marry me. I was proud at the births of our girls. I was proud when the grandson came. I was proud when my oldest daughter admitted I was right. I was proud when my Bambie won The Best Wagger at a dog show. I was proud when my parents told me they were proud. Oh, there are many, many moments, the first step of baby, the first word, a job well done, a smile from a stranger...all these things and so many more.
2)Talk about your most embarassing moment.
When one of the girls walked into the bedroom and asked what are you doing to Mama, Daddy. Den calmly said, I am rocking her to sleep.
I have always dreamed of Ireland. It seems to call me, in its pictures and its stories. Could be the Irish blood in me crying to go home.
Yes, the first time was in the middle of the night when my hubby and I were camping at a lake. The water and the night were warm, the moon was shining and the freedom and feel of the water were absolutely amazing. Many years later, night time in our pool was my stress reliever. After a day at work, everyone asleep, I would swim for an hour under the stars, buck naked, and it was wonderful. Brings to mind words from the show, Designing Women, In the South, naked is when you have no clothes on. Nekked is when you have no clothes on and you're up to something.
Have to go count...I do have three pairs of boots, lace up, riding and muck. I lean toward barefoot and flip flops in everything...that's why I have so many foot injuries. I tend to choose one pair of shoes that I like and wear them til they wear out and move on to another pair.
Table dancing...not professionally...and not really a table, it was dancing across three chairs. Hey, they were in my way! Hubby did help me down rather quickly. Just love to dance!
7)What is the funniest thing you've ever seen?
The contest with Den over a rubber snake. We would hang snakes in the fruit trees to scare the birds, move them around and the birds did not ruin all the fruit. We had removed the snakes after harvest. One was beside Den's chair. That night he dropped his jeans on top of it, the next morning he picked up his jeans, jumped, and blamed me. The battle was on. The next day at work, I opened my brief case for something and, you guessed it, there was that snake! Ok, honey, does not know he is playing with a pro here. He had a portable welding business at this time and we had been seeing a black snake around the truck, even under the hood once. Oh, I worked hard...when Den is frustrated and goes for his tools he yanks the door open to his truck, when calm he just opens it. This is a key factor is what I had to do. I worked for hours with that snake and fishing line. I had to have it just right! If he yanked, I wanted the snake to strike at him, if he just opened the door I wanted it laying naturally on the arm rest. The day of my triumph came. Den was working on some equipment, needed a tool, was aggravated and headed to the truck for more tools. I watched from the kitchen window in anticipation with a evil grin from ear to ear! I heard him holler all the way to the house!!! #*&$&&* GAIL! He had jerked open the door, the snake jumped and struck him perfectly and lay swinging by its invisible string as he cursed me. Ah, the sweet taste of success!! The snake was never seen again.
Lisa, you must never ask me questions...because I will answer. Thanks, this was fun.
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
My Husband, My Friend
If asked thirty-seven years ago(in June) what do you love about this man? I would have answered his eyes, his laughter and his butt. Now, if asked, I would have to answer what do I not love about this man?
Today he brought me a gift and I would like to share. Enjoy!
My wife sat down on the couch next to me as I was flipping channels. She asked, what's on tv? I said, dust.
And then the fight started.
I took my wife to a restaurant. The waiter, for some reason took my order first. I'll have the strip steak, medium rare, please. He said Aren't you worried about the mad cow? Nah, she can order for herself.
And then the fight started.
My wife asked me if a certain dress made her butt look big. I told her not as much as the dress she wore yesterday.
And then the fight started.
Thank you, Den, for loving me. Thank you for the laughter. Thank you for picking me after all those girls you slept around with before we met. I love you, honey!
Wacky Wednesday/Saturday School
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
I Blame Lisa!
1)Have you ever had any of those critters as a pet?
We don't call it road kill if it's still moving!
3)Is there any kind of meat you will not eat? Mammal, Amphibian, Reptile?
Never have had the opportunity but would try it...once. I hear it is very expensive.
Music Fills My Head
Monday, January 19, 2009
A Post Of Hope
Martin and Melissa
This THING on my wrist became a weapon. Trying to force any nurse or doctor to remove it, I cursed! Now I knew better but what a wonderful opportunity to be able to use those horrible words I learned through my life time! I could be forgiven because I was in labor AND drugged. I also discovered I was quite good at it.
The labor progressed too slowly for me. At this point I had been in and out of labor for three days. Their solution was more drugs!!!!
Being the farm girl that I was and am, I asked the nurses for a toe sack. But, why, honey, do you need a toe sack( a burlap sack held potatoes, just my guess, thus the name). I said wrap it around that baby's legs and pull it out. This was a common method used in pulling calves.
I awoke in the delivery room to be told we had a healthy daughter weighing eight pounds and nine ounces. I also awoke to an entire class of student nurses watching the doctor tying knots...down there.
Okay, you who laugh! This was thirty six years ago and we have come along way, Thank God.
Today I say Happy Birthday to Martin and Melissa.
May all your dreams come true.
Love ya, kid!!!!
Princess, Attitude and Culinary Wonders
Many of you have been so kind to share culinary delights and recipes. I have decided to contribute a little in that department. This is easy to make and I can guarantee you have NEVER tasted anything like this before.
Five cups deer broth(saved from roast)
One half cup of crackers, salted white
A handful of Aged Bouillon cubes, flavor of your choice
One half cup of pancake mix, unknown age or origin
One cup of mealy bug cornmeal mix
Two hardened hamburger buns, torn into spoon size pieces
Cheerios and Soup
Two slices of cooked turnips.
Now here is the tricky part, all this must be stirred and cooked slowly to thicken. Ah, you can smell it in the air! When this has reached the thickness of your desire. Add Dog Food to taste and serve those freezing outside dogs. They will love you for it!
Sunday, January 18, 2009
An Award, Sunshine, Higher Temps...Life Is Good!
What an honor from Melanie. Thank you! You have made my day. In times past, I received some wonderful awards. They were lost in the Netherlands of Blogdom when I had the problems with my site.
I would like to compile home addresses, if I may, for my personal use. I see some things and think, wouldn't Lisa love that, or Sharon, or Sara, or... I think, ah, today someone needs chocolate. You have my email. If you wouldn't mind being tortured by me occasionally, please send me your address.
I have had an adventure today. The thought came to me, Down Under...Australia, right? No, not me to think normally. I have had fun with the camera today. I shall document the birth of my "Down Under". Hope you enjoy it, because I certainly did.
Down Under the Rock Bridge
Down under the culvert, we laid by the garden.
Down under the water, not really, but work with me here!
And my personal favorite, Down Under the fence.
Now you know about my Down Under. Today I found a different perspective At The Farm. Sometimes the prettiest views are Down Under where no one looks.
We Have A Winner!!!
A limerick is a five line poem with a strict form. Limericks are witty or humorous and sometimes, obscene with humorous intent.
The winning limerick is from Wendy at http://wherefaeriesplay.blogspot.com/ ! Congratulations!
It was hard to decide.
Honorable mentions go to Laughing Orca and Skippy Mom.
Please email me with address so I may mail the prizes.
This was fun!
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Last One, I Promise (Fingers Crossed Behind My Back)
I seem to have this problem now of waking extremely early. Do I crave the silence of the morning hours when no one else is awake? (I hear Marcy's numerous roosters crowing and think of dumplings, dressing and barbecue.) Do I practice solitude on purpose? Yes and yes. I seem to seek alone time and can think more clearly without the electronic noises that sing the house is awake!
I have photos from September through now to edit, burn and empty. I avoid this task until my computer moves to a crawl. I love pictures and Marcy keeps me supplied. She apologizes for using the same subject matter, dogs, horses, cows, cats, chickens, and a goat. I do not see the need to apologize. Her photos are great and tell the story while I am slaving at my lucky-to-have-a job-and-a-career heaven. (God, you do know I am joking? I have given You credit for having a sense of humor, so don't make me regret my words)
Freshly written in a bout of insanity by me. You guessed it...another #%$#*#% poem!!!
Friday, January 16, 2009
Oh, No, Not Another Poem!
Just Another Poem
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Sky Watch Friday...
Today presented no photo opportunities for me. I drove safely to work, no running off the road to take a picture. The skies were so gray and it was so cold, my camera finger did not even want to come out. The stoves are going full blast this evening, as they will through the night into tomorrow. Supposed to be even colder tonight.
The freeze proof faucet was frozen along with the hose so the horses had to go to the pond to drink. I am not being neglectful. They doing their grazing pattern and water is at both ends. Today only on one end. The cattle also have access to running water in the creek. Thank God, for live water!
Just a shot that caught my eye yesterday.
My Horoscope For Today And More Nonsense
"You experience an inclination towards spirituality. You feel a strong need to know where you are going internally. All this soul searching will help you touch base with yourself and set things right. Go ahead and look within; bring out the best that is in you."
Okay, so you're saying, this girl is crazy tonight...could be...could be that horoscope!
The Dark Side Of Me
Today I am feeling dark so I am sharing a dark poem.
WARNING: May evoke bad thoughts about hunters. Not my purpose as I am a hunter. It is a tale of the first successful hunt with my dad.
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Time For Some Green
I See The Moon...
Road to Work
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
The Limerick Game And A Prize
Wickapedia says:
A limerick is a five-line poem with a strict form, originally popularized in English by Edward Lear. Limericks are witty or humorous, and sometimes obscene with humorous intent.
The following example of a limerick is of anonymous origin.
The limerick packs laughs anatomical
In space that is quite economical,
But the good ones I've seen
So seldom are clean,
And the clean ones so seldom are comical.
Gershon Legman, who compiled the largest and most scholarly anthology, held that the true limerick, as a folk form, is always obscene, and cites[1] similar opinions by Arnold Bennett and George Bernard Shaw, describing the clean limerick as a periodic fad and object of magazine contests, rarely rising above mediocrity. That is to say, from a folkloric point of view, the form is essentially transgressive; violation of taboo is part of its function
Now here's the game...We are writing limericks today. My favorite will get a surprise.
My favorite limerick from somewhere, just floats into my mind now and then is:
Monday, January 12, 2009
A True Tale
Carla, for you, in your grief, know they are always with us.
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Interviewed by Treasia
Below are the questions she asked and my answers.
Treasia said:
Thanks for taking part in the interviews. As I said I think it's a great way to get to know one another. Now with that being said, I've never done any asking before, so I hope I have some good questions for you.
1. What is your one favorite personal thing you do for yourself on a regular basis (besides blogging) that makes you feel special?
The first one had to be the hard one!!!! I can think of no one thing that makes me feel special that I would do. Things that have made me feel special are a wild flower or a pretty rock from my husband, a hug from my grandson, knowing I have helped someone. I cannot say this or that thing, there are so many things in my day, in my week, in my lifetime that have made me feel special.
2. If you could only help one charity a year which charity would it be and why?
Arkansas Children's Hospital because my grandson, Jake, was less than two pounds when he was born at six months. In the past, he would never have lived. Children's gave us our miracle boy! Children's Hospital did that and many, many more things for many, many people.
3. What started you into blogging?
My sister, Beverly, said you should blog and I did! Knew nothing about it, Beverly does not blog. Now I am addicted. One more bad habit I can blame on my sister.
4. If you could only choose one blogger that has inspired you from day one who would it be and why?
I plead the fifth! http://cowboywife.blogspot.com/ The W.O.W. Factor was first to comment and you know your first is always special. I cannot pick one because everyone I read has inspired me. They all have encouraged me, made me laugh, made me cry and have given me a better and different way to look at life. That wasn't a fair question!
5. What's the best gift you've ever received and why?
The gift of life because where would I be without that?
Now the rules of the interview are simple.
1. To be interviewed just have them leave "interview me" in the comments
2. I will respond by emailing you five questions. (I get to pick the questions).
3. You will update your blog with the answers to the questions.
4. You will include this explanation and an offer to interview someone else in the same post.
5. When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions.
6. Link back to the interviewer
The Secret Kitchen
Each piece has a story. As Beverly cleaned, I was traveling down memory lane and enjoying the journey.
Every one should be so blessed.
Tragic Loss
A terrible loss happened weeks ago. I have not had the strength to share.
The coroner reports have come back as a suicide. There were no witnesses and he left no note. That is never easy to deal with, blaming yourself and thinking there is something I could have done. I should have seen it coming.
He was special to me, I had only known him four short years but he had lived a life time before he moved in.
In his passing, he has left to mourn...me. Preceded in death by the pink flower vase.
To ease my burden, he was interred immediately but will always be in my heart.
Almost Gone Flower is close to my dishwasher so I can visit him daily.
Please, bear with my grief! The passing of this great piece has left an empty spot on my shelf and in my heart. If you see any of his relatives, please, have them notify me, I have a vacancy!