a tale of tails, tenacity, and tedium, as told by me, usually barefoot and bellowing

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

As I Sit...

trying to pull the Velcro loose from this computer chair and my behind, I am jumping from drawing, writing, washing dishes and doing laundry. So far it has been timed perfectly...when I need to refresh my drink, the laundry is ready to change out. I refresh my tea or get a Dr Pepper, fold the clothes and start another load.

Now this is why I want to retire, I am mixing my have tos in with my want tos and it's not so bad. When I get in from work, it is have to, have to, and not many want tos.

It is so wonderful since Bev has organized me. All my art supplies are in one spot, computer in another, everything has its place and I know where it is. I also do not have to move things to do something else!

And in between these, I get to listen to Andrew showing me a new chord or a new riff or whatever they are called, since he is teaching himself to play guitar. I can't just listen, he wants me to watch, so I do, like a dutiful grandmother. He is doing quite well. And when I do not listen appropriately, he moves on to Marcy or Beverly. Would you say, this child has a good support system? Now if he would only apply this to things he doesn't like, he could rule the world!


Irene said...

So why do you worry about retirement so much. The world is already your oyster. Just enjoy it and do what you do.

Grammy said...

Organization is awesome.
How you learn to enjoy it.
As retirement is bliss.

Melanie said...

Since I have had the last two summers off, without work, I can totally relate to your yearning to stay home and enjoy life. I imagine it will be a rude awakening when I return to work next year....

Carla said...

May you get your wish, and enjoy your journey. (That velcro? Great stuff-evil stuff)

Spare Parts and Pics said...

Have-to's vs. want-to's... never thought of it that way!! But I know my have-to's get in the way of my want-to's.

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